IVE Data-Driven Communications

How Secure Document Storage Platforms Integrate With Other Enterprise Applications

Customer service is rapidly digitising and consumers now expect their interactions with brands to be simple, autonomous and convenient. When logging in to a customer portal, they expect to find a complete history of payments they’ve made, they expect to be able to access this information on their phone, and they expect that any customer service representative they speak can bring it up at the click of a button. In short, customers expect seamless integrations between the various enterprise platforms used to store this information and deliver these customer experiences. Let’s look at how document storage platforms can integrate with other key platforms to deliver on these new, heightened expectations.

Customer Portal Integration

Customer portals (e.g., My Account on an online banking website) provide self-service access to a wide variety of information and resources related to your business and your customers’ interactions with it. Ensuring these portals are populated with relevant, up-to-date information is a great way of both delivering a quality customer experience and minimising the amount of time agents are speaking directly with customers.

Secure document storage platforms can be integrated with your customer portal to maximise the availability of this information. Documents such as transaction histories, account statements, and usage data can be stored in your storage document or automatically generated when a customer requests it. Integrating the document platform with the customer portal makes this information immediately available to the user when they log in to My Account or submit a request.

Mobile App Integration

It’s a common complaint among businesses that have created an app that, despite significant investment, user uptake is slow (or non-existent), with customers opting to use the website instead. If an app isn’t seeing new user growth, it’s either been poorly promoted (rare) or isn’t offering sufficient value (common). The ubiquity of smartphones is a testament to the fact that people want access to information on the go, and it’s up to businesses to ensure they’re providing what users want via their apps.

Documents platforms can be integrated with existing mobile apps to make this information available on all customer devices. Apps can deliver notifications to keep users informed about new documents or changes to existing documents to ensure they don’t miss important information. Features like offline access make documents available even where the user doesn’t have an internet connection, while the simple, user-friendly interfaces of apps can assist users with accessibility challenges.

CRM Integration

Your document platform can be integrated with your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform to ensure all relevant documents are linked to individual customers or prospects. This allows sales or customer service staff to retrieve all relevant information quickly and easily when talking to a customer or prospect and use that context in those conversations.

MyGov Integration

SecurDOCS, IVE’s proprietary document storage platform, can integrate with your customers’ MyGov account via a standard API. This allows for the centralisation of documents generated via your business and those generated via MyGov such as tax returns and health records. SecurDOCS employs best-in-class data security practices and access to controls when housing sensitive customer data to minimise the risk of data breaches, while creating a single portal through which customers can access the documents they need.

Integrating document storage platforms with your existing enterprise applications can drive greater customer engagement without sacrificing data privacy and security. These integrations make your sales and customer service teams’ lives easier by creating a centralised repository of documents from multiple platforms, while empowering customers to self-serve.

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